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How to Leverage Physical Activity to Increase Clinical Pregnancy Rates with Infertility

Writer's picture: Dr. H. Singh, NDDr. H. Singh, ND

When dealing with infertility and embarking on the road to a successful and healthy pregnancy, there is often minimal emphasis on the importance of physical health, lifestyle behaviours and diet when it comes to improving your chances of a positive pregnancy test. Today, I would like to share with you the important results from a new meta-analysis of six randomized clinical trials that researched the impact of physical activity on reproductive health.

In this blog post, we'll explore the positive impact of physical activity on biological males, shedding light on its profound influence on sperm health, clinical pregnancy rates, and the ultimate goal – live births. What was most impressive about the newly published scientific paper was the discovery that increased physical activity is correlated with an increase in both clinical pregnancy rates and live birth rates, as well as increased sperm health parameters.

The Link Between Physical Activity and Sperm Health:

Recent studies have revealed a compelling correlation between physical activity in biological males and enhanced sperm parameters. From increased sperm concentration to improved total sperm motility and morphology, the evidence is clear – an active lifestyle is positively correlated with sperm health.

But what makes physical activity such a game-changer? It turns out that engaging in regular exercise triggers the production of antioxidant enzymes and boosts antioxidant capacity in mitochondria, contributing to the overall health of sperm cells

Understanding the Harmful Effects of Sedentary Lifestyles:

Conversely, a lack of physical activity can set the stage for infertility-related challenges. Increased adiposity, often a consequence of sedentary living, can elevate the estrogen to testosterone ratio, promote insulin resistance, and disrupt the production of crucial hormones and proteins such as sex-hormone binding globulin, inhibin B, and leptin. Alterations in the reproductive and metabolic hormones can damage spermatogenic cells (the cells responsible for producing sperm cells) and therefore negatively affect fertility.

The Aging Connection: Telomere Length and Sperm Motility

Furthermore, the correlation between physical activity and accelerated aging is a noteworthy revelation. Individuals who engage in regular physical activity exhibit greater telomere length, a marker associated with cellular aging. Shorter telomeres have been linked to reduced sperm motility, highlighting the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle in promoting reproductive longevity.

Cholesterol Levels and the Impact on Sperm Health:

Elevated cholesterol levels, often a consequence of sedentary living and poor dietary choices, have been implicated in reduced sperm health. This association may be attributed to higher levels of pro-inflammatory signals and oxidative stress associated with increased cholesterol. Increased physical activity may help combat elevated cholesterol levels.

Increased Clinical Pregnancy and Live Birth Rates:

Perhaps the most remarkable finding is that increased physical activity in biological males is not just correlated with improved sperm health but is also linked to increased clinical pregnancy rates and live birth rates. This groundbreaking finding underscores the benefits of embracing a holistic journey towards parenthood.

A Call to Action:

As couples face the challenges of infertility, embracing physical activity becomes more than just a lifestyle choice – it becomes a potentially pivotal treatment. By understanding the profound impact of exercise on sperm health, hormonal balance, and overall reproductive well-being, couples can empower themselves on their path to parenthood.

This article is being shared as educational content and is in no way a replacement for medical advice or medical care, it is advised that anyone concerned about their Health should speak with their Naturopathic Doctor. Please discuss with your healthcare provider and only make changes to your medications regimen if recommended by your doctor and under their guidance and supervision.

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